Why Take The SAT?

Every year more than two million students take the SAT. Most of them are planning to go to college, and it is widely accepted that the SAT is a measure which colleges use when looking for candidates likely to be successful. Many students take the SAT because they have to. Perhaps their school expects it, or the college they are hoping to apply to wants scores filled in on their application. This latter, by the way, is a pretty likely scenario.

The SAT tests crucial skills in reading, writing, math and critical thinking which are important not just in college, but in life and in the workplace. The SAT tests the way you think, and the way you approach problem solving, another vital skill in the world of work. Also, the SAT can help students to achieve a baseline for college scholarships – and who doesn’t need a little bit of help in that particular area? The SAT scores are definitely a factor in college admissions, and a great score can tip that balance into your favor just when you need a little more weight. It’s also possible that you may be able to sail right past that introductory class in Math or English, and head straight into higher level and more interesting classes in your freshman college year.

Taking the SAT can also help students to gain a little discipline. A student who signs up for an SAT prep course is a student who wants to do well, who has an eye on some goals and who is prepared to work to achieve them. One thing that can’t be denied is that going into a test well prepared is always a great boost to confidence. That’s why the fact that you are reading this has already shown you are someone with an eye on the prize, and the prize is the best SAT scores you can achieve. The SAT Compass teachers are here to help you do just that. Sign up for a course and be ‘that’ student, the one who has a clear vision of a great SAT and a great future.